I went to the garden today to take some photos that might better show the breadth of this place. Due to the recent bad weather the garden's owner was reopening the garden again and there were a few people arriving as I turned up.
It was just a quick visit on this holiday Monday. Although I wanted to capture wider angles, wider vistas, once more I was seduced by floral detail.
The brief frenzy of fantastically hued flowers is beginning, almost imperceptibly,to slow again, not this time for the winter season, but in readiness for the heat of long summer days.
It was just a quick visit on this holiday Monday. Although I wanted to capture wider angles, wider vistas, once more I was seduced by floral detail.
The brief frenzy of fantastically hued flowers is beginning, almost imperceptibly,to slow again, not this time for the winter season, but in readiness for the heat of long summer days.