It had been so glorious on the twenty third day, just the day before. In the night the rains came, thundering on our tin roof. I woke often, worrying about the garden.
I went to the garden with friends. Every year the garden's owner generously opens his garden and provides wine and as much time as people want to wander around the garden. As I thought ,the damage caused by the wind and rain was very obvious. However many of the people who were there were gardeners themselves and well aware of the pattern of the seasons and the weather.
It felt odd to be amongst people in this place that has provided such a refuge this year. The usual serenity of the garden was broken by the sound of voices and laughter. The garden of course was very happy to accommodate this, as was the garden's owner.
I went to the garden with friends. Every year the garden's owner generously opens his garden and provides wine and as much time as people want to wander around the garden. As I thought ,the damage caused by the wind and rain was very obvious. However many of the people who were there were gardeners themselves and well aware of the pattern of the seasons and the weather.
It felt odd to be amongst people in this place that has provided such a refuge this year. The usual serenity of the garden was broken by the sound of voices and laughter. The garden of course was very happy to accommodate this, as was the garden's owner.
I slipped away and wandered on my own around the garden. The tulips which had survived the deluge glowed with their individual colours, all the colours of the rainbow.
Even with the unaccustomed noise, the garden found a way to provide me with peace.
The lady beetle moved placidly on its green leaf.
Even with the unaccustomed noise, the garden found a way to provide me with peace.
The lady beetle moved placidly on its green leaf.